
第109章:First Draft

agree with that. A very good draft with beautiful calculations and reliable conclusions.”(是的,我同意。一个非常好的草稿,有着非常出色计算和可信的结论。)

  “Yes, Dr Fischer and I already checked your calculations. They are surely with no errors. Good job!”老教授赞叹说。(是呀,Fischer博士和我已经检查过你的计算。它们确定无疑没有什么错误。干得漂亮!)


  “Thank you.”(谢谢你。)婧芝带着感激的口吻说。

  “But,”(但是,)老教授用右手扶一下眼睛,表情更加严肃,目光犀利,“we still have a lot comments. You know, about how to amend it.”(我们仍旧有许多意见。你知道的,关于如何修改它。)

  “Yes, as your research partners, Professor Smith and I are very glad to share the experience we’ve accumulated previously. I hope you won’t mind her calling them ‘comments’.(对啊,作为你的科研同伴,Smith教授和我都非常乐意分享给你我们之前积累的经验。我希望你不介意她把那些称作“意见”。)


  “No, no,”(不,不)婧芝微笑着摇摇头,“definitely not.”(当然不。)

  “Here’s a copy of your draft.”(这是一份你的手稿。)说完,老教授从桌上拿起一份事先打印好的文件递给婧芝。


  几分钟过后,见婧芝看得差不多了,老教授解释说:“As you can see, the sentences with red double lines are those we think it’s better to delete. You know, verbose sentences which we think are unnecessary.”(正如你所看到的,那些带红色双线的句子是我们认为最好要删去的。你知道的,都是些冗长的句子,我们认为它们是多余的。)

  “Yes, please bear in mind that we should avoid writing useless words in an academic paper.”(是呀,请牢牢记住我们应该避免写无用的词在一篇学术文章里。)Fischer博士补充说。

  “I’ve got it.”(我知道了。)说着,婧芝非常诚恳地点点头。

  老教授满意地点点头,继续说:“Very good. That’s very clear to see. Apart from that, some sentences are bule. They are my opinions, just some complements which I believe should be involved. You may have a look at them later by yourself, because they are not difficult to understand, I think. But if you do need my help, you may send me an email. Is that OK for you?(非常好。那很容易看明白。除此之外,有一些句子是蓝色的。它们是我的想法,只是一些我认为有必要涉及到的补充。你可以晚些时候自己看一下它们,因为它们不难懂,我想。但是如果你确实需要帮助,你可以给我发一封电子邮件。这样对你来说可以吗?)


  老教授点点头,看向Fischer博士,对她说:“It’s your turn.”(该你了。)

  Fischer博士也对着老教授点点头,再转过脸来,对婧芝说:“The green sentences are mine. They are what I think you should mention in the paper. They are very important. In fact, you’ve ignored two cores. Now, I’m going to provide you with some details, apart from what I already typed in the draft. Please take down what I’d like you to cover in this paper. There’re two books that I’d like you to read, which can be certainly found in the library.(那些绿色的句子是我的。那是我希望你在文章中提到的。它们非常重要。实际上,你忽略了两个核心。现在,除了我已经输入草稿的内容,我要给你提供一些细节。请记下来我想让你在这篇文章中涉及的。有两本书我想让你读一
